entry page Munching on my Noggin

2:19 AM || Thursday, Jan. 08, 2004
fun for me...fun for you

i hung out with my friend alice last night. we had so much fun. we ended up going to a show out in ferndale which had a couple awesome local bands...one of which is in my aural restitution. they are amazing. if you like roots rock...no depression...southern comfort...listen to them. you can find their info here. note for azita and mike! i ate a seva' tonight! it was great! for those of you that don't know it is an entirely vegetarian and vegan restuartant. i am neither...but i love vegetables! lol. it was a great place to eat. alice also gave me a watch. but i can't figure out how to change the time, so until our time changes again...it won't be corrent. whatev! it was fun. i don't have to go to work till later tomorrow...so the fact that i had a chance to hang out at a show super late is rare during the week anymore.

well, i'm off to bed. i'm all tuckered out and i'm working the "late shift" tomorrow.

night and sweet dreams.

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aural restitution: whiskey tenor self-titled e.p.
visual restitution: club bart's

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