entry page Munching on my Noggin

1:36 AM || Sunday, Jan. 04, 2004
still up? yeah. oh well.

i'm up again. still up. still, still, still. i slept for about 3 hours last night, woke up, went to my appointment...then i went to my mom and dad's and comepletely crashed for a couple hours. i slept what seemed like forever. and now, that i'm back in my place...i can't get to sleep again. maybe something is wearing on my mind. something always is. maybe it really is my body being jacked up and it telling me that i need to work out again so i can get some rest.

maybe i should dance around in a tutu and some coconuts? nah.

you should all pick up the fire theft if you don't have it yet...it is beautiful.

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aural restitution: the fire theft the fire theft
visual restitution: a walk on the moon

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